We adore fresh garden peas. Of the kinds where you can eat the shell, Oregon Giant is our favorite. They are so crunchy and delicious when lightly cooked. I would have to admit I love to eat a few raw while in the garden as well. For freezing we prefer peas that need to be shelled, so the rest of the peas are picked and shelled, then blanched and frozen to enjoy later. Peas are a labor intensive crop. Ed puts up the chicken wire supports, plants the seeds, installs the protective fence, ties the pea vines up with string when the weight of the peas causes them to sag, and weeds . He loves that part. Pulling up the vines and harvesting the peas is not his favorite.
I rather enjoy shelling peas. I've been doing it since I was a girl. It is only recently , however, that I have learned how much fun it is to sit in the garden to do it. Today was a glorious cool and sunny morning. Ed finished pulling the peas and left to work elsewhere. I stayed to finish . When you sit in the garden , the birds soon ignore your presence. I got a close of view of a yellow shafted flicker sitting on a nearby post, so close I could have counted his spots. I got buzzed by a female hummingbird several times as she visited the mahogany bee balm. With the shelling finished, I left the shells in my bucket of compost, and took the shelled peas into the kitchen. There I washed, blanched and froze them. We will enjoy them so much when the weather turns cold. If I'm lucky eating them will bring back the memory of this delightful morning spent in the garden.
1 comment:
Umm! I can almost taste them.
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