My exercise bicycle is positioned so that I can do my 2 miles on the bike and still observe the birds at the bird feeder or look out at the garden. Today I got a special bonus, the fox dropped by the garden for an early lunch. I watched as he walked right through the garden disappearing behind the pile of finished compost that's under the bird feeder. He was out of my line of sight for several minutes , but then reappeared and walked away carrying his lunch in his mouth. He stopped as soon as he was no longer out in the open. Although he was some distance away, I him watched for some time. Finally he disappeared into the brush. This is one of our "wild" areas. Stone from the farmer's fields was used to fill in a depression. The ground is uneven and sometimes wet. It has brush and briers. It's just about the right distance away to be the source of our night serenades. We will not go there searching for a fox den. We want them to stay, and take away as many furry little critters as they can eat.
It wasn't until I saw this picture that I noticed the faint pink color of the buds on the Red Maple trees. It's an early sign of spring to be sure, but another real day brightener.
Oh .. spring is coming! Love the blooms.
How cool to see a fox in your garden!
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