I was riding my bike when the red fox walked by directly under the living room window. What a gorgeous creature with beautiful red fur that looks incredibly soft. I watched as he sat below the window casually scratching an itch behind an ear with his back leg. How close was he? Close enough for me to be certain that this was a male fox I was looking at. I got a little excited and tried to take a picture. Of course I pushed the wrong button . By the time I got the camera straightened out, the fox had passed through the garden, and climbed atop the far stone wall. He stood there for a short while ten headed west , marked his trail with urine, and dropped out of sight down into the notch.
Another plant order got called in today. We ordered some new plants from McClure & Zimmerman for the shade garden, to be planted in the spring: Jack In The Pulpit, Shooting Star, Ensata Iris, Bloodroot, Trillium, Acidanthera and "Crested Iris. Our first seed order should be ready by Monday.
I had the same thing happen. A gorgeous fox came through the yard as I was sitting at the window. By the time I got the camera it had just finished marking the top of the stone wall bordering the woods. Before I could get a decent focus it was gone but I did get a shot good enough to prove I wasn't seeing things.
One day a couple weeks ago a fox crossed my path as I was driving to work. It WAS like a little gift! Such gorgeous creatures and only the second time I'd seen one.
Strangely enough I told my boyfriend about the incident that evening and that SAME morning as he looked out across the field in front of his house he saw, yes!, a fox!
Serendipitous it seemed.
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