My plant addiction all started with herbs. We grew vegetables for years and I was fine. It was the aromas and tastes of herbs that made me into a compulsive plant collector. During the early years I read everything I could find on herbs. I never bought plants from distant places until then. I started taking road trips to herb nurseries and ordering from herb catalogs.It was so much fun!
This year a catalog arrived from one of my old favorite places, Logee's Tropical Plants. I'm ashamed to admit the catalog is becoming tattered because I look at it so much. The lush tropical plants are gorgeous and the nursery is an old established one. I don't have a greenhouse so most of the plants don't tempt me no matter how magnificent they might be. But there is one, Murraya koeniglii, "Curry Leaf" that is getting to me. I love Indian food, but I don't know for sure if I've ever even tasted curry leaf. Still it calls to me . It's minimun indoor temperature is 55. Would it be terribly unhappy here? My tuberose , Polianthes tuberosa", lives, but never flowers. Do I want to try a Curry Leaf plant knowing I can't provide it with the ideal growing situation? You bet I do! Maybe I'll call this week. If they have it , I'll just order one plant. I'll squeeze it in between the tuberose and the ginger.
Hi Becky,
Just found your blog by following a link on Crystal Coast gardener's blogroll. Nice - I'll be back. But I can't work out where you are?
I say go for it. You wouldn't let you house get below 55 degrees, so it should be happy there, right? I'm happily addicted to plants myself. Spend all winter adding to the already large houseplant population!
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