Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wet, Wild and Wonderous

Yesterday required that we travel, but as we neared home on the interstate heavy rain covered the highway with water and severely tested our windshield wipers and Ed's patience. We were glad to get off the interstate and head over the hill toward home. Soon the rain let up but as we drove on the country road it seemed like every driveway had gravel washed across the road. The ditches alongside were running fast and full with Willy Wonka colored water.

 I guess it was inevitable that we would come to a place where the water covered the road. We travel this particular road often and Ed knows it well. The water was shallow and smooth flowing from fields rather than streams. "Don' t drive through water across the road" echoed in my head, but Ed was confident, proceeded carefully and everything was fine.  Two more times we were faced with this situation, but when we were almost home we came to a place where a usually small stream goes through a culvert under the road. Here the water was boiling up and over the road. Debris cluttered the road. It didn't take us long to decide to turn around and drive the extra miles to go another way.

When we arrived home Ed was thrilled to find our drive was is really great shape. The garden also appeared to be unscathed. Three inch deep planting trays were full to the brim with water so we must have had more rain than that. Ed dumped the standing water and we walked around the garden. There we found this white, delicate Japanese iris wet with water, but looking gorgeous as if nothing had happened at all. Plants are amazing! It was so great to be home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. I traveled down I-88 and i-86 in the rain on Wednesday. It was crazy. Glad to hear all was well with your garden.