Saturday, May 23, 2020

Finally May Rain

As is sometimes the case, May weather has been harsh.  Lack of rain and frequent freezes or frosts have damaged many plants.  Last night a gentle warm rain fell for hours.  It totaled less than one half of an inch but even that much was welcomed by the plants.  We have been generous with the watering can but nothing can compare to an actual rainfall.

These Hepaticas are very recent transplants.  With rainfall in the forecast, we wanted these new plants in the ground.  The nearby area needs additional work as we see these plants in the wild growing surrounded by stones.  Our open ground will see appropriately sized stones nearly buried between the plants.

Violets are both a longtime family favorite and commonly occur in our nearby woods.  The decision to include them in the garden was not easily made.  Our deer herd frequently eat violets and that may be part of the reason why they often visit here.  The wire cages make walking difficult and stones placed just outside of the cage will prevent snouts from simply pushing the cage aside.  Time will tell if violets in the garden was a poor choice.

These Yellow Lady Slippers did not have any buds yesterday.  We say that with certainty since they are checked every day on the walk to the mailbox.  We believe that the rotting tree stump adds something to the soil that benefits these plants.  They have been here for several years and the number of stems and flowers is increasing.

We were unsure if these Jacks would make an appearance this year.  Marauding deer tore these plants up last year but their appearance now is impressive.  We cannot cage everything so these plants will grow here just as they grow in the woods.  That statement is an exaggeration since we usually see only single plants growing in our woods.

Early this spring Becky was clearing around her Woodland Phlox and accidentally broke off a single stem.  She then stuck a finger into the ground and planted the broken piece.  I mentally gave her action no chance of success and now she has a transplant with two flowers.  This plant will rapidly increase in size making its placement near the rescued stump look more natural.  We cannot wait for expanding phlox plants to close in on the fern.  They will also be transplanted allowing them to claim a nearby area.  All of this because of a broken stem and the belief that it could be saved.

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