Bacopa monneri, Brahmi
Impatiens pallida, yellow jewelweed
August 1,2010, Bloom list: Ingeborg's mallow, purple cone flower, morning glory, lemon finger bowl geranium,coral bells, meadow sage,evening scented stock, Gallardia,Johnny jump ups,Nicotiana, Stella D'oro lily, rose campion, catchfly, Peppermint stick zinnia, Anchusa, "Pretty Belinda" yarrow, snapdragon, heliotrope, pink poppies, sweet peas, Susan's day lily,"Who Dun It" Dahlia, hens and chicks,(last flower) Aclepsis tuberosa, sea holly, yellow sedum, Aclepsis curveceps, Art's Pride cone flower, anise hyssop, gloriosa daisy, cosmos, red and pink bee balm, catnip, hollyhock, green beans, milkweed, cinnamon basil, "Mardi Gras" Helenium, fennel, black eyed Susan,yellow jewelweed, golgen glows, trumpet vine, white and pink mallow, Simplon lily, cardinal flower, white summer sweet, mullein, evening primrose, scarlet runner beans, dill, white and pink phlox, society garlic, Fiona Coggill shasta daisy, balloon flower A. azurium,stardust crysthemum, butterfly bush, hibiscus,Crocosmia, sweet sultan, tomatoes, lettuce, winter savory, spearmint, peppermint, yard long beans, sparkler allium, lemon verbena, buckwheat, blue vervain, plume poppy, brahmi
Flowers still in bud are not listed, at least one open flower is needed to make the list. We hope these lists will help us become more aware of when things bloom, so we might plan the garden better.
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