The past couple of days in the garden have been hot and dry. Some of the plants, new transplants or delicate specimens, are wilting like me. Other well established, and rooted plants are growing quickly . In this picture from front to back are: the Egyptian onions starting on their top set plants, sweet cicely flowering, and quickly forming it's licorice flavor seed, Baptisia australis just starting to show it's gorgeous blue flowers.
We have no pond or stream anywhere close to the garden so whatever water the garden gets is delivered by hand with a watering can. We have to use water from our well. We decided a long time ago to water by hand. The plants just have to adapt.There are no hoses here. Ed was out early this morning watering some of the new transplants in the shade garden. The plants in pots are being watered and are waiting to be transplanted. What we really could use is some rain, and it would be nice if wasn't a gully washer or accompanied by hail. Until then, the morning view of the garden will feature a nice green watering can cooling things off.
It's been an odd spring for weather -- last weekend, it was downright hot here, and this week, we've had two days in a row of 50° temps and winds strong enough to blow lawn furniture around. Ugh. Ah well, "they say" it should be a nice weekend. I hope so, as I have things in pots waiting to be planted, too. :) I hope you get a nice, gentle, overnight rain.
It hit 100 here a couple days ago before the storm came through. It rained for about 5 minutes but at least it's been cool ever since (ha, upper 70s normally would be hot hot hot at this time of year)
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