These adorable little pink poppy seedlings are in big trouble. Perhaps the spell of cold weather followed by warm weather fooled them into sprouting. Usually they don't come up until the soil warms in the spring. Global warming aside, they will get frozen before they get far.
The weather has been delightfully warm in the sixties. It's really enough to confuse anyone,but it's a wonderful chance to be outside in November. Today were lucky enough to see a bald eagle soaring over the Unadilla River. It's always a thrilling sight, and thankfully one we see more and more often. This particular bird was a immature probably about four years old. The white head was not completely white and the tail was still rather dark, but there can be no mistaking the majestic bird even without the adult's white head and tail. I'd like to think this eagle was born right here in upstate New York.
Seems to me the weather is all over the place, we have strange goings on this side the pond too.
Maybe you could protect them with some horticultural fleece should the weather turn?
I hope your little poppy seedlings live through the winter. They certainly look well established. Pink poppies must be so beautiful -- the only ones I've had in the garden are the red orientals, which spread like crazy too.
I have been noticing some confused plants too. Weird weather this year. I hope they fare well.
Other smarter seeds will come up at the proper time. That's natures way of hedging her bets insuring the survival of the plants. These particular little plants made a bad choice.
Yes, there is confusion all over the place. My hollies are blooming . . . . . I hope your poppies make it. My orientals just showed back up after their late summer dormancy.
It's helpful for me to see what poppy seedlings look like. For several years I've tried planting them with no luck. Now I wonder if I've been weeding them out, mistaking them for dandelions! Good luck with these - pink poppies are so pretty.
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