Monday, September 14, 2020

Pain In The Asparagus!

It was a cool and beautiful morning in the garden.  Ed headed to the gravel bank to get bark mulch.  Continued progress on the woodland garden  and his garlic bed was at the top of his to do list.  I decided to work on the asparagus bed until he was ready to go to the back.  I have to admit I was a bit discouraged at the beginning.  The asparagus plants were lost in weeds.  Horse weed, crab grass, goldenrod... all going to seed.  What a pain!  I removed the wire fence that is meant to keep the deer out of the bed.   Armed with my Cobrahead weeder and several trugs, I sat on my garden cart and started.  I had forgotten how pleasant it is to pull weeds in Ed's well prepared garden beds,   It took me just a few minutes to reveal that first asparagus plant.  Coming to the rescue of that second plant made me fell great!  The whole process was getting to be fun.  What a joy to get all of those weeds and seeds out of there.  By the time an hour had passed most of the weeds were gone.

My trugs were overflowing with weeds.  Two huge Rudebecka triloba plants  remain in the asparagus bed.  I am a motivated weeder, but I drew the line at pulling out those native Brown-eyed Susan flowers. They are a biennial so after they bloom they can be removed with ease.  Not only did I find the asparagus, but now I can see Helen's bird house, my tractor, Ed's shed and the house.  

Two things remain to be done here.  Fine weeding from arms that reach all the way to the center of the bed and an application of well seasoned compost will finish the soil preparation.  Then the fence posts will be driven deeper while setting them upright making ready for the fencing.


1 comment:

L or D said...

That's some impressive weeding!