Friday, April 27, 2018

Purple Pollen

Native Trout Lily first captured our imagination nearly one quarter of a century ago.  In our stony glacial soil, it grows wildly but flowers rarely.  It seemed like a worthy idea to try commercially available plants.  We purchased plants from two different sources on different years.  We now need to try and sort out just what we have.  The plants are vigorous and flower freely.  They may be European immigrants or have originated on the West Coast of North America.  Either way they have made themselves at home in our developing shade garden down near the road.

It is difficult to decide which appears more stunning, the split white pollen gathering style or the purple pollen producing anthers.  Combined with the speckled leaves, the visual statement is powerful.  Unfortunately the plant is low growing and the open flowers point downward.  We will need to return with proper equipment to get more photos.  A foam pad to get me flat on the ground and the small tripod to support the camera while it finds its intended focus could produce great pictures.  This is the first day that these flowers were open so we visited them unprepared for what we found.

This purchased Sharp-Lobed Hepatica has been with us for less than one year.  It certainly appears to have found its new home to its liking.  There is a good chance that two more plants will be purchased to plant nearby this one.  A naturally expanding group of this native plant is our goal.  A chance for cross pollination cannot hurt.

Native Wild Ginger has been with us for several years.  Its location along the inside wall of the stone square was less than perfect.  The adjacent Ladies Mantle grew large placing the Wild Ginger in dense shade.  It continued to grow but we believe that its new location between several Sumac trees will result in its more vigorous growth.  We brought our custom mix of woodland soil to this spot.  The impenetrable tree root mass was covered over to provide growing space for the Ginger.  Ground hardwood leaf mulch will add to the topsoil in time while keeping out weeds now.  We have high hopes for the vigorous desirable growth that may happen here.


Beth at PlantPostings said...

You have some incredible ephemeral bloomers there and your photos really do them justice! Wild Ginger is such a great native groundcover plant!

A Casa Madeira said...

I loved meeting the blog.