Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Daylilies And Daisies

At this time of year here, the roadside ditches are filled with orange daylilies.  These hardy plants are also common in local gardens.  We needed something less ordinary and so we turned to mail order nurseries for more exotic plants.  Destined To See was our first purchase.  It has been with us for several years and has grown into a respectable clump.  One year we will find the courage to divide this plant.

Frosted Vintage Ruffles is in its third year here.  Last year's late severe frosts did not kill the newly emerging growth but it did end the flowers.  Definitely worth the wait, these flowers show more color than the catalog photo.  Mail order plants do offer a wide variety of choices but time is required for the plants to realize their potential.  Results like this are well worth the wait.  We will not even consider divisions here for at least one more year.

This daylily was purchased from a local breeder.  The plant was not in flower when purchased but the pot was identified as containing named variety Indian Giver.  That name is outdated and offensive while the pictured deep purple color invited purchase.  The pot proved to contain four separate plants.  Three of them are like the photo and the fourth is true to the pot label.  This local purchase has required as many years to  flower as have the mail order plants.  Results like these take time and we enjoy working with the plants during the wait.

Wild daisies are common on waste ground in this area.  Resisting the temptation to cultivate wild weeds, we again turned to mail order.  Our first order did not survive the winter.  Our second order of two plants included one survivor.  That plant was divided restoring balance to the planting.  Finally we have a decent display of Highland White Dream Shasta Daisy.  Early next spring, divisions will increase the number of plants available to us.  Perennial plants offer an unusual combination of beauty and abundance while teaching that things worth having require effort, time and patience.  Many good things grow here.