Monday, April 25, 2011

Wet Flowers

Finally the rain let up enough to get a few pictures. Obviously the plants are responding to the rain. Water droplets sit like jewels on the Dutchman's breeches.

My trout plant, with it's pink and blue flowers has never looked this good!

This patch of daffodils is wet but gorgeous.

The bright yellow of the "King Alfred's " is always welcome wet or dry.

My primrose has a single open flower. There is enough water in the blossom that a pollinator would have to submerge to get at it. Looks like there are lots more of these cheery little flowers to come. Tonight we expect the garden will get wetter still.


Victoria Williams said...

Very nice! Great looking patch of daffodils.

Donna said...

mine is too wet...we probably are now over 10 inches maybe even to 12 with the intense storms going on right now...we had almost 8 inches so far this month as of yesterday and after all that snow we are in a swamp in the gardens...your flowers look a bit drier than mine...

Katie said...

I googled trout plant but all I got was water plants and lillies. Is it native? Also, round lobed hepatica, hybrid or native? Our hepatica has white blooms in southeastern USA. Katie

Becky said...

The trout plant was a gift and that was the name I was given. I think it is a lungwort of some kind. I don't know if it is native. Round lobed hepatica is Hepaticia americana definitely a native. Sharp lobed-hepatica is native and has white flowers sometimes.The leaves are more pointed. I don't try it because it likes sweet soil and we are acid here.