Things are beginning to bloom all over the garden. Ed is working very hard to get everything planted. I was delighted to see three bluebirds on top of the stone wall near where Ed was working. Bluebirds find the wall a convenient place to bash their caterpillars before they eat them. I tried to call Ed's attention to them, but even though they ignored him as he worked, they flew away as soon as our attention was directed at them.
These are our salad days. The spicy mesculn is ready to eat and we have lettuce a plenty. The strawberries are beginning to turn red. I've been taking the blossoms off the nasturtiums to put in the salads , even though the plants are small. I hope it will encourage their growth.
I spent some time trying to get a good photo of a tiger swallowtail. I followed him from the valerian to the coral bells and on to the catchfly and never did get a decent picture. I like taking pictures of stone walls and plants better. They don't fly away!
Since my computer is in the shop. I'm working with time limits using the computer at the library. I forgot my glasses today so please forgive any mistakes.
1 comment:
You are a dedicated blogger heading to the library to post. I'd have to kick a bunch of kids off the stool to ever post from there. I don't think I've ever seen a free computer there before;) What is that yellow flowering plant in your picture (I recognize the thyme, at least)?
By the way, I didn't spot any mistakes....
Christine in Alaska
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