It was a beautiful warm and sunny yesterday afternoon. I took the opportunity to head out to the garden to have some fun pulling weeds. I chose the bed that is shaded in the afternoon by the smokebush. Weeding in a shady spot on a sunny day is my idea of heaven. I settled in, sitting on my little garden cart. It gives a whole new meaning to being in the garden. If you were looking for me, I would be hard to find. It's August so there are lots of weeds to pull. I was there for some time, taking the occasional break to watch the hummingbirds on the other side of the stone square. They were working the scarlet runner beans and the cardinal flowers.It was thrilling to watch them chase each other at breathtaking speed. They make funny little noises, and sometimes shoot straight up in the air till they are out of sight.
Sometime later as I worked, I noticed the familiar buzzing in my ears that meant the hummingbird was really close to me. I realized that I had the camera in my pocket. I love my camera. It takes pictures with a small enough number of pixels that I can blog with dial up, but taking hummingbird pictures is with it is like shooting an elephant with a pea shooter. You have to get so close, and the noise of the camera usually sends the hummer shooting out of sight like a bullet. Still, I slipped the camera from my pocket and gave it a try. Most of my pictures were of the "Where"s Waldo" variety like the one above. The humming bird is there, but where?
But I did get one. It's not a fantastic picture of a hummingbird, but for me it was a coup.There she is for everyone to see. What a fantastic afternoon! The flower bed got weeded. I got to watch an amazing flying circus and I have pictures to remember precious time spent in the garden. Yes indeed, weeding has its rewards!
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