The cuttings Ed took of my scented geraniums and the lemon verbena have been moved into their pots in preparation for moving indoors. It's a great thing to have new healthy plants to bring in instead of digging up the large, woody plants. Some years we don't manage that, but this year we did. Right now they sit on the patio waiting in the garden until Fall arrives.
The golden rod has been blooming for some time, but now it's yellow is joined by the beautiful purple of New England asters. It's the first fall color here before the trees even think of changing their leaves.
It was a gorgeous day for working in the garden. There was nothing hot and muggy about today. Tonight is clear and cool. Windows opened to cool off the house were closed early. The weather forecast for tonight says a low of 42 degrees. The f_ _ _ _ word crossed my mind, but it's still August. It wouldn't,well it shouldn't, but still the early signs remind us that summertime is running out.