Ed's used his free wood chips under the forsythia by the driveway. These plants were a gift from my dear friend Jane. Forsythia are very popular in this area. Drifts of their bright yellow flowers are a welcome sign that spring is here.
Serviceberry trees , sometimes called Shadblow, are the first white flowering trees of spring here. Their white flowers dot the hillsides and are just as lovely as any flowering tree purchased in a nursery.
I've read that the dark blue berries are delicious although I've never actually tried them. It was suggested that they are better cooked to bring out the almond flavor of the seeds. I will probably be content to enjoy the flowers but this could be the year of the serviceberry cobbler.
wonderful spring blooms-- love the service berry.
I am not familiar with the service berry. Perhaps the berries would make good jam.
I'm so glad to see this post girl ! We just planted our first Serviceberry tree .. Autumn Brilliance .. I know it will be a few years before a good crop of berries happen .. but a friend told me they are even better than blueberries .. so I am wondering what you will think of them ?
I love all those white flowers .. mine has tons of buds ready to open SOON too : )
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