Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Winter is Behind Me and Spring Ahead

It rained during the night.  We had no sleet, no freezing, no snow.  When I looked out the living room window I could see that I could reach the shade garden and more without wading in the icy remains of the snow.  I still needed my purple hat, my big coat and my pink boots, but outside I went with the camera.  I was not disappointed!

It is no surprise that  Snowdrops are the first flower buds to be seen in the shade garden.  They don't wait for the icy snow to leave, they push their way right through it.  I was elated to see them.  Even the green of the dandelion was nice to see.  I will deal with it later.

Here is a classic photo, Raindrops On Snowdrops.  It is my first  garden flower portrait of many to come in 2018.

I'm calling this one Daffodils with Giant Bunny Berry.  I'm guessing the huge rabbit pellet was on top of the snow and accidentally landed on my plant when the snow melted. It is very unusual to find just one rabbit pellet or one rabbit for that matter!

Iris and alliums are looking so good!  The iris rhizomes look fantastic.  They are either Joann's yellow iris or Mom's purple and white iris.  The dark green alliums are purple.  Perhaps later they will bloom together.  That would make me happy!

Behold the Bluets.  I'm so happy to see them again!   Those tiny pale blue flowers are a special favorite of mine.  It felt so good to be out there.  I caught a brief glimpse of a pair of cardinals and a bluebird.  The twittering of the birds seemed happy too.  Even the very slight wisp of the aroma of cow manure from the big farm down the road seemed welcome.  Spring in upstate New York is an exciting event!

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