I sometimes talk to my plants. If this Dianthus could talk to me, it would say "Excuse me, I think I need a bigger cage here!". Now it tells me! The ground may be too hard to make the change. We have to cage Dianthus in this garden because they stay so beautiful through the winter even under the snow, that the deer and the rabbits really enjoy eating them.
It's easy to see that the trimming has already begun. By spring this plant will likely be trimmed right back to the wire cage. Our weather has warmed somewhat. It's in the high thirties today, but it's cloudy and drizzly. Our snow has been reduced to little balls of ice. In some places like the south facing bed in front of the house and the driveway, it is gone altogether. Perhaps tomorrow we can get some mulch on the Madonna Lilies and cut back the chrysanthemums using the stems to mulch the new green growth at the base.
I do love dianthus and continue to put little bits all around, looking forward to spring blossoms.
Wow, it never would have occurred to me that dianthus would be deer fodder – but then deer aren't a regular in my garden (we do have deer in the city, though!)
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