I had pretty much given up Stefan for dead. His trunk is down in the basement plant infirmary. I water there occasionally, but keep my distance.Those plants seem to do better that way. The stems that I put in water were hidden among the plants in the living room. Stefan's surgery was the end of January.For awhile I checked on him every day. This is now the end of March.I had given up hope, but the other day when I was working with my other plants, I knocked over the glass with Stefan's trunk pieces.It was then that I noticed. Look! We have roots!All of the pieces are showing some signs of life.
More than that, check out the top. New growth is pushing through the bark in several places. There will be a "Welcome Back Stefan" potting party very soon.
Curious I went down to check his trunk. It has a couple of new cracks in the bark. Maybe, just maybe it's not dead either!
Congratulations! Those things are surprisingly durable.
He looks very much alive to me! Good luck replanting him. :)
Becky .. I almost spit my tea out on my lap top when I saw the picture .. yo naughty girl you !!
Pretty cool!
best surprise come when we forget about things for a while, isn't that so?
Now you've given me hope for one of my "dead" houseplants. My Chinese evergreen lost all the leaves at the bottom, so I just cut the tops off and stuck them in water. Hope they root for me!
Wow, this is exciting news. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Stefan!
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