What could be better on such a gorgeous September day that a walk around outside. Amy and I headed off and took the path up the hill disappearing out of sight of the garden. At the top of the hill, Amy's meadow is a sea of yellow, glowing on this sunny day. As we walked along together I gave her the camera to see what would catch her eye.
We followed the path around the high meadow stopping by the garden bed in the back to see of there was a zucchini to be had. We did see one small squash and a couple of blossoms, but nothing big enough to pick. From there we took the path that goes up and down along the fence line. Shaded by the trees, this spider web still glistened with dew from the morning fog. A tiny brown spider is visible tending the web. I love the thorns and think this is quite the photo. One photograph of a huge fly on a milkweed plant was too fuzzy to get a good look. I was a bit disappointed to miss seeing him twice. With lunch time approaching we headed back to the garden.
We stood and watched a bumblebee wriggle his way into the blue closed gentian. he wriggled in there and then came back out head first. It's a fascinating and rare sight. It's one that I'm glad Amy got to observe. It's so bizarre everyone should get to see it.
I was not surprised that the red hibiscus caught her camera's attention. I was however quite surprised by the intriguing close up detail inside the huge red flower. I had never noticed it before.
What a fabulous walk on a beautiful day made even more special by doing it together!
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