Saturday, March 2, 2019

My Moss And Lichen Pet

You can have your Chia pets and pet rocks.  I have discovered the perfect personal companion, The Moss and Lichen Pet.  You don't have to buy it you can find it.  I found my Moss and Lichen Pet when I was walking up the driveway hill.  It is easy to notice small objects when you walk up a fairly steep hill.  You don't have to look down to see them or stoop way over to pick them up.  My Moss  and Lichen Pet is a small piece of bark that fell from the huge wild cherry tree.

My Moss and Lichen Pet still looks pretty good when it is dry.  The beautiful part of it is that it will sit there and wait for me looking all dried up and brittle.  However, when I mist it or even dunk it in water and it comes back very quickly.  It softens, grows, changes color slightly and if you have a loupe you can see it all.  It is wonderful entertainment for cold days when the garden outside is covered with snow.

I have a favorite, wild, outdoor, Moss and Lichen Pet. I like this one so much that I left it where I found it.  I would hate to take away its natural home so I  visit it there.  Ed and I tramped through the snow to get this photo.  Only the top two thirds of my Moss and Lichen Pet is showing.  I first found this in December 2017.  After just two years the the moss and lichen growth has changed. It looks like the snow on the top of the mountain is melting.  Could it be global warming?

1 comment:

L or D said...

What a great idea! So nice as we wait for spring.