Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Chasing An Orange Dog

We saw the first ever orange dog aka Giant Swallowtail butterfly in the garden on August 25, 2016.  At that time we were unable to get a picture. Another of the big bright black and yellow butterflies made a appearance in the garden this year.   This time Ed was not planning to let it get away!  The butterfly can be seen in this picture, but Ed wanted to get closer.

Now he was getting even closer but the butterfly kept moving.

At some point in the chase, Ed removed his safety glasses to get a better shot.  This picture is closer still.

As soon as the camera clicked  taking this even closer picture, the butterfly took off heading east to another part of the garden.  Not ready to give up, Ed continued the chase.  We will continue this saga in Chasing An Orange Dog Part 2.  Will Ed get a  great close-up of this magnificent butterfly?  Will he ever find his safety glasses among the rampant growth of this year's garden?


Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Great adventure but . . . the orange dog is black and white. ???????

Becky said...

No the Orange Dog is yellow and black. These pictures were taken under very overcast conditions. You can see all of its glorious color in Chasing An Orange Dog Part 2