Sunday, April 15, 2012

April Garden Photos by Amy

Sometimes in April you get a wonderful surprise in the garden.   In 2010 we planted 24  Fritillaria Meleagris bulbs.  Nothing ever came up and we thought they were gone. Sometimes bulbs rot, sometimes they get too dry, sometimes they get eaten.  I had given up on them since nothing ever came up last year.  When this single lovely flower  appeared in the shade garden, it was a delightful surprise.

The pattern of the flower is so pretty it will be hard not to order more of these in the fall.  Perhaps I will order  more of these  bulbs  and plant them in a pocket of sand like the catalog suggested.

This top stone on one of Ed's walls is covered with interesting growth.  Moss and lichens have really taken hold.  It looks like this may be flowering season for this moss.  So much needs to be learned but where to start.

April has been dry and cold.  Rain finally fell last night.  Dust dry soil is not a good place to put seed.  Perhaps peas, spinach and lettuce will be planted tomorrow.


Donna said...

My Fritillaria Meleagris bulbs came up this year...I just love how they look too...glad to hear you are getting some rain

HolleyGarden said...

The frittilaria has such an interesting bloom. I don't grow these (yet!), but even one would be magical!